Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Being cleansed by His blood

How can we be sure that we are living our life on God's standards? One- through the Word of God and secondly through the Spirit of God. God has created every human being with a conscience. Each one of us know what is right and wrong. Yet sin rules so much in man that even wrong is rationalised as right by man sometimes, according to his situations and needs. For instance, lying is rationalized as right, if it is for a good cause, which people call it as white lie. Whether white or black or green or blue, a lie is a lie for God. Therefore, sin is sin in the eyes of God whether big or small.
So let us be sure that we live as per God's standards by reading the Word of God (allowing the Lord to teach us His ways) and by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit (so that we don't ignore Him when he communicates to us through our conscience)
Psalm 51:6-7 (NIV)
(v.6) Surely you desire truth in the inner parts ; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
(v.7) Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
1 John 1:7 (NASB)
...and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.


  1. True. I like the way you have described about lying!
    Continue the great work and be a daily blessing to all of us Rads.
    God Bless!

  2. Love this, Irene. A friend of mine at church and I were just discussing this very subject!

  3. The GREY area... the difficult part.
