Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Many a time we would have been trying hard for years to bring about a change in our loved one. We would have done things to the best of our ability to make them understand, acknowledge, accept and act but seldom find any result.

One thing we need to understand is that a change cannot be brought in someone unless the person of change has been deeply impacted. And to impact such a change sometimes we may need to change ourselves. Change in the way we speak, react and do things. In fact psychiatrists and counselors teach such skills in family therapy to bring behavioral or perceptional change in children.

Jesus taught many things to His disciples. Yet He knew that to impact them deeply about Christian love and service He had to show it by demonstrating that Himself.

John 13:5 (New American Standard Bible)

Then He poured water into the basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.

This had a powerful impact on the first disciples who were the foundation of the Church and Christian doctrine.

May we all know that if we want to see a change in our loved one, the change has to first begin with us...

Prayer: Dear Lord, I realize the power of change. If you could change a sinner like me to become more like you, I am sure that the power of your love can work through me. Break free in me all the hindrances and attitudes which is blocking your love to work in me. In your precious name Jesus. Amen.

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