Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Waiting - The Most Difficult Phase

When we are waiting for an answer from the Lord, expecting God to work something for us and show us His will, many a time we get impatient. We may want to try out a few possible options to get a workable solution though deep within the heart we hear a small conviction which says 'Wait'.

Waiting is one of the most difficult phase in a Christian's life. It is the phase where God makes us wait purposefully so that our faith may be strengthened and we grow in obedience. And it is vital to help us grow in grace.

At times we may even think that God has forgotten to guide us or answer our prayers and we may just go our way to work things for us. But all that we would find is more frustrations and resentments. Frustrations and resentments can make us move away from God. But the happy news is that God has not forgotten us or our concerns. He will surely lead us and work things in His way. All that we need to do is to is ask His forgiveness, submit to Him and expect Him to work out His will for us. And our good Shepherd will not fail us...

Psalm 139:9,10 (NIV)

9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea

10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.


  1. In this fast World waiting on the Lord does seem very difficult but when we wait with the Lord, it might seem a lot easier...

    Sometimes the Devil could deceive us during the waiting period by making us believe that whatever we want as what is God's answer is...

    We have to watch out and not let our emotions run faster than our faith...

  2. Waiting - The Most Difficult Phase.

    Rightly said. Every Christian faces this phase as the most difficult moment of their Christian life.Christians tend to believe that the moment they come in relationship with God, everything goes on fine for me, but actually it is not a bed of roses but it is a bed of thorns where Jesus is always there to uplift us from falling upon the bed of thorns. Your writing really touched my heart and it made me understand what it means to wait upon the LORD for all the plans that the LORD has got for me and my life. Continue writing and it will surely change lives giving glory to GOD and abundant blessing upon you and your family. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY.

  3. Rightly said...
    I also agree with Josh mams that we should not let our emotions take over our faith...
    And while waiting upon God in prayer, we should never take any decision, otherwise we will be regretting it later on for sure.

  4. Waiting for an answer from the Lord is quite a difficult period. I have had such experiences where I lost my patience and was even angry ...... with whom - with God because things did not work out as it should. When something does not work out they way we expect, then we should take it that God has a different way. On the contrary in most cases, we allow our emotions to take an upper hand and allow satan to work in our minds. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD I SHALL NOT WANT - how consoling these words are. Let us put our trust in the Lord and wait patiently for his divine grace.
