Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hope while waiting

One of the consolation which has always helped me in times of waiting period is that the Lord is working on my concerns. Though I know that I should not be worrying about the issue for which I am expecting an answer it is really difficult to be calm in the waiting phase. Time and again I submit my concern to God in prayer, but I find it hard to really compose myself in peace. Anxiety overwhelms me many a time. When nothing really seems working it is really a challenge to keep faith for a particular issue. But the Word of God in Ps 138:8 really encourages the waiting soul.

Psalm 138:8 (New American Standard Bible)
The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your loving kindness, O LORD, is everlasting;

I like the word accomplish here; which is a surety for an answer. Therefore there is no doubt that He will bring about a solution in His time. I believe it and my soul is keeps faith because of God's Word. So next time my heart fails when there are no clouds in the sky, I assure myself that He is working on my concerns... and the answer, I will receive. Hallelujah!


  1. Hallelujah!
    Loved it as usual.
    God bless.

  2. Though we learn from the Word of God that the Lord our God knows our thoughts afar off... we fail to wait on the Lord.
    In His time... He will makes things beyond our imagination.

    Nice piece of writing... to mature in the Lord

  3. I want to trust the lord again, I feel so disspointed when he doesn't listen to my prayers somtimes..

    But as Irene explained - He will bring a solution in His time...

    Thanks Irene... Richard
