It is very easy to reflect Jesus when things turn out well in our lives for being Christ-like; and when people reciprocate well for showing God's love and goodness. But when we receive bad responses and ungratefulness for the goodness shown, then it is challenging to continue to reflect the Lord's image. Children of God sometimes reason that we cannot be like Jesus all the time, believing that it is difficult in this bad, sinful world. They rationalize saying that we need to be shrewed and not be too good to allow people to take advantage of us or fool us.
Though this is true to some extent, we should not altogether decide that being Christ-like is fruitless or we can choose not to be Christ-like in certain situations. If we do so we will turn out to be like hypocrites who change colors as per their circumstances. We need to be Christ-like all the time, no matter whether the circumstance or response from people is favorable or not. For we are all called to follow His example all the time.
We need to explore what the Word of God says in this regard,
Hebrews 12:3 (NASB)
For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
In spite of facing all opposition from sinners, Jesus was never ungodly or hostile. He remained calm and composed irrespective of the situation. We may also leave matters to God when we face such hostility or injustice from others and continue to take heart to be like Jesus all the time.
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