Exodus 15: 22-24 (NIV)
22.Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. 23. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah) 24.So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What are we to drink?"
Reading this passage, we may ponder in our heart, 'Why were the Israelites led into a dessert for three days without water?'. People who were just afresh from experiencing the greatest miracle ever seen on earth were led into a dessert. How do you think the Israelites should have reacted when led into the dessert? Those who saw the great sea divide and stand in front of them? Those who without fear walked on the sea bed? Those who saw the same sea closing with rage while the Pharaoh's chariots were drowned? What an tremendous, enthralling experience for somebody to have!
Anybody who would have gone through such a mind gripping experience and later been led into the dessert, would have gone down on their knees and said, "God, you who brought us out with a mighty hand, and showed us your power and presence... it is not a difficult task for you to make this water drinkable. May the Lord help us quench our thirst by purifying this water". But this was not the response of the Israelites. They grumbled against Moses and God.
The Israelites were tested of their hearts when they were led into the dessert. And instead of trusting God they grumbled. Instead of being grateful they complained. Sometimes we forget the great things the Lord has done in our lives and murmur for small things. Murmuring and complaints show lack of understanding God's nature and failing to rely on His love and wisdom.
God may sometimes test our hearts. At that time we need to remember His faithfulness and goodness. This will make us less complaining and more dependable on Him. We may wonder why we should be tested. True faith and gratefulness towards God will be revealed only during times of testing and not during times of favor and ease. We need to remember that every test is allowed to refine us and not to weaken.
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