Friday, January 8, 2016

My Life Lesson...

Yesterday, I had a troubled heart as I tried to contemplate on things that is yet to take place. No matter in whatever ways I tried to figure a solution it didn't seem workable. Without realization, I was allowing despair to set in. Suddenly, I looked into the Lord and prayed, "Lord you know my burden, you know my worries, counsel me at this time of the hour. Give me a word that could help me find rest". I took my devotion and read.

The verse from Philippians 4:11 (NIV) read:

...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

The devotion narrated about different kinds of trees a king had in his garden. One evening when the king took a stroll in his garden, he heard the oak tree comparing itself with the beautiful pine and being tired of being an oak. Similarly, the pine was dissatisfied that it could not bear fruit like the grape and the grape was unhappy for not being large like peaches.

The king finally comes across a violet who appears to be happy. When the king inquires about the reason for violet's joy, the violet replied, "My dear king, I know I am small and I may not be prominent like the oak or pine or grape or peach. But since you decided to have me in your garden,  I decided to be the best violet I can be". The king was touched...So was I.

No matter our life circumstances, God has placed us exactly where He wanted us to be...though our situations or circumstances may not be favourable or what we desired, I realized I have to learn to be content in where He has placed me...

I learnt my lesson. Thank you Jesus.

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