Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The other day I had an argument with a believer girl about Easter. She asked me "Tell me which day Easter falls?" I said "Obviously Sunday... but for me everyday is Easter as I celebrate the risen Lord". She gave such an exclamation as if I had blasphemed.

According to her observing the Sabbath, Good Friday and Easter (or even Christmas) on that particular day was of prime importance whereas for me celebrating Good Friday or even Easter did not require observation of special days but required a heart to celebrate the risen Lord on a daily basis.

We as God's children know what it means to live a life of our resurrected Lord... That He reigned over Sin and Death on the Cross to give us a powerful life in Him. We as His children celebrate Easter everyday when we live with the deep the realization that "Our redeemer Lives"

Job 19:25 (New International Version)
I know that my Redeemer lives,
and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.

Let us live like Job exclaiming everday the above scripture... "My Redeemer Lives"

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