Thursday, November 26, 2009

Grace Sufficient

Grace is such an invaluable thing in a believer's life. Without grace it is impossible to move on...It is by grace that we are able to stand strong in Faith, grow in Him and yield fruit in God's Kingdom and to handle struggles in life.

Then we wonder why some of them backslide, why some give up in tribulations or why some even compromise living in Christ and live fake Christian life? Don't they have the grace to carry them through? It is not that they don't have grace, but they make a choice not to take that grace or wait on the Lord to receive His strength or guidance. They ignore grace...

That is why the Word of the Lord exhorts us to be strong in the grace that is available to us ...

2 Timothy 2:1 (NIV)
You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

As long as we are receiving grace there is enough to sustain us, strengthen us, enrich us and make us everything that God wants us to be. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Me - being what i am today is only & purely by the Grace of God.
    1. My Life Partner
    2. My Daughter
    3. My Job
    4. The comforts in life
    5. The PEACE in life
    6. Health & Well-being
    7. Most of all the Grace through which i now am able to relate to my Lord my God.

    I Praise God for all that He has done in my life by His Grace.
