Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mind setting

Throughout the day,we think of so many things. If we try to recollect our thought process, it is too difficult at times to figure out what we have been focusing on...

We hear people talk so much about food, clothing,beauty, etc., in their day to day lives. To think, how much of time would have gone into these details can be ascertained from the depth their talks. People are so beauty conscious, career concious, calorie concious these days that they forget to be God conscious...

Col 3:2[ (NKJV)
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Let us ask ourselves honestly what we have been setting our minds on?


  1. spot on radha! praise God for this devotion. I was honestly thinking of something similar yesterday....
    God bless

  2. Very true, we never realize the need to spend time with God. Even talking about God's Greatness, mercies, blessings will help us understand Him more in terms of what He is to us. This will help is build a closer relationship with him and also on our focus towards Eternal life than the earthly things...

  3. Nice one Rads. We hardly devote an hour or two each day for God. And if we happen to pass a day without spending some time with Him, we hardly tend to regret it, which is very wrong. As Josh mams has rightly pointed out, let's think about His grace and blessings for us and I'm sure we'll be drawn closer and closer to God every minute.
    God bless!
