Saturday, December 24, 2016

Do we still need SIGNS?

It is common for believers in Christ to expect God's working in their lives through signs and miracles. We expect that God give us a sign either by answering our prayers in a way that we expect or do something to demonstrate His love and care. God does answer us and He does show us signs of His love and care. Yet sometimes we are left with nothing but His word. During times when there is no sign of God's presence or His working in our lives, even the Word of God may seem blank in our lives. Haven't we felt that?

Questions can linger in our minds when there is absence of God's signs. The waiting period can be long and weary. These are times when questions about God's love and intervention can be doubted. A weak soul can easily be wearied and lose hope. But at such times, it wont be unreasonable to ask God to renew or strengthen our faith to believe in His unfailing love towards us.

I didn't ask God to renew my faith. But nevertheless He did it for me. I personally was revived about God's love and intervention in my life when I narrated my life testimony to a friend. I never planned or thought that I will share my testimony to her. It was a casual conversation and I narrated how I met with Jesus, how I came to believe and follow Him and His wonderful blessings in my life. I am not sure whether my testimony influenced her, but I knew it was a powerful reminder to me to the extent that the very reality of me living without health complications is nothing but His pure grace.

My faith was revived. I cannot deny His love, His presence or His interventions in my life. I did not earn any of these but He gave it to me because of His love for me...

Oh! How much more of proof do I need? If for the present time I am allowed to face some lengthy trials, does that mean He no more cares for me or doubt His selection of me? I seldom not do that even if trials are pulling me down day in and out. I got to rely on His faithfulness for He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow...Amen!

Hebrews 13:8 (NASB)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever

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