Monday, June 24, 2013

Enough to Receive

We would have often heard people it is God's grace. But how many of us live with the realization of the word "Grace". Grace has an in depth meaning and to live by grace is something that ought to be experienced to realize. I would like to share a short story in my effort to explain grace. There was once a little girl who was fragile and weak because in her body she suffered from multiple syndrome. She was in a condition where she could eat neither more or less to keep her body healthy. If she ate more she would throw up constantly to the extent she would become weak and tired; and eating less would make her weak and  unhealthy. So actually needed to eat in between which was difficult to estimate. Doctors wondered how she survived with multiple health conditions.

Moreover this child lived as an in patient in a hospital without much future and hope as she was abandoned at birth by her mother. Though this little girl lived within the walls of the hospital she had quite a positive outlook in life. She did not want to be a burden to the people in the hospital who took care of her and hence did her best to do petty work for other inmates in the hospital. All that she did was to visit each patient in her floor or sometimes other floors and inquired about their health. She just spent few minutes in displaying love, care and concern and did some petty work to help them like fetching a glass of water, or reading a passage from a Bible or say word of prayer, get them a flower from the garden, etc which made them feel good.

Many patients felt better and changed their perspective by seeing the way the child lived after having learnt about her health condition and her life. What the patients saw was the grace that she received from God to survive. They saw grace at work in her and realized that God gave her just the enough grace to live. The child neither cribbed about her condition nor questioned her past or future. She only knew that God saw it best to have her this way and His grace was enough. Though many would have questioned the reason for her survival within their heart, the patients who met with her and came to know her well, changed their way of thinking. They realized that God had all the grace to give, it was only in our hands to become humble enough to ask and receive it. The child was an exemplar of  grace changing the lives of patients she acquainted with.

John 1:16 (NIV)
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.

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