If we look at our frustrations and disappointments, why we often fall prey to these... we can understand that it because of unmet expectations or plans that has failed. It is no way wrong to plan or to expect something good and positive. However, after having prayed and submitted to the Lord, if what we expect or plan does not happen, we get discouraged, disappointed and even frustrated.
Apostle Paul offers a solution to escape unnecessary disappointments and frustrations...
1 Corinthians 7:31-32 (Amplified Bible)
31.And those who deal with this world [overusing the enjoyments of this life] as though they were not absorbed by it and as if they had no dealings with it. For the outward form of this world (the present world order) is passing away. 32.My desire is to have you free from all anxiety and distressing care.
If we don't attach ourselves much to our expectations and plans and place it in the hands of God knowing that none of His good will towards us can be thwarted, then we can always learn to hold our peace...
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