Right from the time I was a teenager, I longed for a friend who would be my soul mate...And the soul mate who came into my life was my Lord Jesus who became my savior friend. All these years, I experienced Him as my Lord, friend, brother, Father and mentor. Yet, I longed for a human friend who would stick to me like glue...
I have had good friends in life who shared with me platonic relationship with good intentions and motives. However, due to distance or change in life's course we have departed whose memory alone is my treasure.
My longing for a true friend still remained at the corner of my heart. And I hoped that I would find one during the middle years of my life...As I spent time with the Lord this afternoon, a thought process came across my mind which bought tears to my eyes. All these years I had been longing for a soul mate, in spite of having my Lord right at my side. He was the One who remained the same in His love and faithfulness towards me. Yet, I was a fool to look for a human soul mate when I had the One who loved me and gave His life for me...
With tears in my eyes, I repented for my mistake. I realized suddenly that my heart was contented with my One real soul mate-Jesus. I assured myself that He was more than enough for me and that I need not look for someone more fulfilling than Him...
Jeremiah 2:13 (New American Standard Bible)
For My people have committed two evils:
They have forsaken Me,
The fountain of living waters,
To hew for themselves cisterns,
Broken cisterns
That can hold no water
Sometimes we may not forsake the Lord, yet we may be looking for cisterns believing that it has water to quench our thirst. We need to remember that only our Lord can quench our deep thirst to be loved and feel belonged. All other cisterns may never have water to quench those deep thirsts.
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