It is so very easy for us to accept God's rule and sovereignty in our lives when things go well. However, it may be difficult to accept His will and sovereignty when life seems to be hard or while walking through times of trial. In any case be it glad times or tough ones, accepting His sovereignty is maturity. Though we may not be in a position to see life whole; though seeing future positive seems challenging, believing that God knows what He is doing and will turns things for our good is true faith...
And to hold on to such faith without becoming dejected is where courage is required.
Psalm 52:9 (Amplified Bible)
I will thank You and confide in You forever, because You have done it [delivered me and kept me safe]. I will wait on, hope in and expect in Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your saints (Your kind and pious ones).
May we ask the Lord to give us the courage to see good times, to hope and expect good tidings in His name...