Why is that sometimes our faith goes in for a jeopardy? Because that is where exactly it calls for exercising of our faith...Faith doesn't really comes into picture when the sky is blue, when things are going fine in our life. It is so easy at that time to claim God's promises with joy and proclaim it to others. Faith comes picture when the sky is dark, when situations in life are exactly contrary to what we expect.
The people of Israel faced same kind of scenarios when they were led out of Egypt. They presumed that their life and journey would be without hazels. But soon they found themselves at challenging situations. They arrived at places where the water was bitter or was no water (Ex 15:22,23, 17:1). The Israelites grumbled in those circumstances.
So it is with us, when we face unexpected challenges in life, our faith goes into a jeopardy. And we at times react like the Israelites. If we wonder why God allows such situations in our life which challenges our faith, we will realize that it is to help us grow. To grow in faith and maturity so that we will no longer think or behave like children, but grow in the wholeness of our being. To help us learn to trust Him and His dealings in our life, where we will display maturity and balance by the way we react to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 13:11 (New International Version)
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.
Like Apostle Paul says, our real growth in the Lord can be seen (or realized) in the way we think of God, react to God and trust His dealings in our life.
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