Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Exodus 15:23-24 (New International Version)

23.When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah. 24.So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What are we to drink?"

The Israelites had a spectacular experience of the way God worked in their lives. They saw how God's hand delivered them out of Egypt, allowing them to walk through the Red sea bed while the pursuing Pharaoh and His soldiers were drowned in the sea. Their hearts were excited as they celebrated the greatness of the Lord with singing, dancing and moving forward in their journey. But suddenly they were in the middle of the wilderness without proper water to drink and they start grumbling. How quick it was for the people of Israel to forget the way God worked for them and turn to grumbling?

It looks that the people of Israel were impatient, quick-tempered and faithless not to trust God for their provision. The same God who was able to divide the Red Sea wouldn't He provide them water to drink? Of course He would...But their faith was short-lived. So is ours...Many times we are so excited when God works something in favor of us. But when other trial comes around the corner, we grumble instead of trusting His faithfulness.

Let us never grumble in times of waiting or trial. Let us learn to trust God for He who sees us is a faithful one...


  1. Its good to be reminded! Beautiful as always.

  2. Good One Dear Wife... God Bless

  3. Thanks for your comments dear people. I feel blessed.
