Monday, February 15, 2010

What an attitude!

Sometimes when we look at our problems we become so troubled and ask the question 'why?' to the Lord. We often say 'Why me God?' But we often forget that when God allows something in our life, there is a reason behind it. Though we may not understand it or find it too hard to accept it, asking the question 'why?' can never console our hearts rather deepen the pain that is already present.

During such times I would like to share with you all a real story that I read. Once a guest teacher visited a class of hearing impaired kids. Approaching the black board, he wrote a question, "Do you know why the Lord created you deaf while he created me to hear everything well?" The class it seems was stunned at the question. One little girl got up with tears in her eyes went to the black board and wrote a bible verse from Matthew 11:26

Mat 11:26 (NLT)
Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!

What a faith and what courage to face life's toughest challenge. Do we get a lesson to apply in our life from this little girl? I sure do...

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