Each one of us can bring to our minds, the hurts that people could have inflicted upon us and our lives. Either through their words, actions, behavior or by their cunning attitude or spitefullness, they would have caused wounds which sometimes takes long to heal. We would have forgiven them for the wrong they did to us time and again.But they would have continued to do wrong without realising the grace and the goodness we would have shown them. We would have withdrawn from such folks believing that it is no use being kind and forgiving.
Even when these wounds of ours would have healed, the scars caused by these wounds at times trigger in us anger, resentments and even revenge calling for justice.
During such surge of emotions we need to remember that our Lord has seen it all and He is a God of justice. The Word of God says,
Rom 12:19 (NIV)
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay", says the Lord.
The Lord will bring justice to us, by convicting them of their wrong and making them realize of their folly. There is no greater pain than the pain brought by guilt. And if they fail to respond to God's conviction, then the wrath of God is something unescapable.
This again is a good one --- only when we realize the real scene of this we would also be able to crucify ourselves with God and let God live in us per yesterdays devotional.