If you have wondered in your heart why you should follow the Bible? Why should you stick to Biblical principles in your life? Then perhaps you are one among those who believe that following God and His ways as written in His Word (the Bible) are hard.
People who want to live by God's Word by following God's commandments and applying bibilical principles in their lives, are the ones who fully realize the value of the blood shed by Jesus on the Cross for them. They are ones who are born-again by God's Spirit, who have set their heart to please God in every step and walk of life. Those folks are God's children who have experienced God's love, His forgiveness, His grace and blessings so much in their lives that they try live their best for Christ(through the grace of God).
That is why there are able to say like Apsostle Paul that the love of Christ compels them to live a life pleasing God.
2 Corinthians 5:14 (NIV)
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
Are you someone who want to live for Christ by following God and His ways as written in His Word? If your heart is set to do thus, it is because of the love of Christ which compels you to do so...
Praise God for He helped us taste Him and His love for us because of which we are determined to do all that He wants us to. Amen.
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