Friday, December 11, 2009

Heavy loads

Most of us carry unnecessary loads in our head. When there is a problem, to work on the existing problem productively is all that is required (by the grace of God). But otherwise many times we worry about the problems of tomorrow which we may foresee.

But the Lord tells us,

Matthew 6:34 (New International Version)
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

We many times become anxious, scared, tensed by foreseeing problems which sometimes may never come...This will only hinder our daily lives and our well being. It is better to concentrate on the tasks for the present day rather than carrying an uncertain problem of tomorrow in our heads.


  1. Very true, many a times this happens to us... we forget that the Lord our God is holding our hands and try to balance with our lives on our own...

    For the Techies... Download worries to Jesus and He will upload PATCHES (blessings) in return part of the lifetime free support for which He paid with His life on the Cross.
