Many of them call themselves believers in Christ, but they don't reflect themselves as the Lord's children in any way... in their character and nature. We cannot inherit the Kingdom of God if we have Adam's nature...
Galatians 5:19-21 (New International Version)
19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
God sees us and knows us. We are accountable to how we live and for the actions we take. We will surely be cast out of His Kingdom if we continue to remain with the nature of the sinful man. Unless we repent, change and be renewed in our minds and hearts; be aligned with Jesus, we cannot belong to God's Kingdom. For flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God but only those who are renewed by the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 15:48-50 (New International Version)
48As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. 49And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.
50I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
Pretty strong and straight forward devotional with very supportive Scripture reference.