Monday, July 6, 2009

We better not do that...

There are many born-again believers who read only those portions in the Bible that are pleasing to them. For instance they highly rely on God's promises, comforting words and something which they would like to hear from God. They seldom give significance to any word of correction, change, transformation that the Word of God may direct to implement. When they sit for prayer they come with the attitude saying, "Speak Lord thy servant heareth"; but their hearts are far from being open to any conviction that the Spirit of God may show them. If at all they come across any convicting portion while reading the Bible they do not apply it to themselves but rather choose to relate it to others .This sort of manipulation is the greatest deception a believer can do to him/herself. So let us not be like the false teachers whom Paul referred to at the Corinthian Church, who peddled with the Word of God for their profit. Let us be open to God's voice and to His Word whether it is correction, instruction, warning, direction, promise or consolation. Let us learn to take and yield to God's Word with sincerity and open spirit.

2 Co 2:17 (NIV)
Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.


  1. hey i read the same verse today...what u have written is so very true...god bless

  2. These are very wise words, Irene. You're absolutely right. It's dangerous to consider the Bible as a buffet, where we can pick and choose what we want to pick up and what we want to leave alone.

    Very well done!
