Most of our heartaches or emotional downs are because we do not get or see to happen what we expect. When what we are longing deeply or expecting earnestly does not come through it is natural for us to feel down.
Reverend Selwyn Hughes says that whether we realize it or not, we deeply crave for something in life. And it is for different things at different stages of life. 99% of us long to be happy by getting something or by doing something and when our deep cravings and expectations are not met we feel sad. Sadly, whatever we pursue runs away from us including happiness. The only easy way to get what we crave for or expect is not to pursue it...Sounds strange isn't it? But it is true. It is not wrong to desire something or expect something to happen but when we tend to pursue it strenuously we only find that we never get it or come to see it happen.
The Word of God emphasizes this truth beautifully in the Message translation
Matthew 6:32-33 (The Message)
"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met".
What more do we need than this encouragement from His word? So do we decide to change our pursuing from things to God?...