Only a right understanding of God will enable people to worship Him with reverence.
Only a right understanding of God will enable people to follow Him correctly.
Only a right understanding of God will enable people to live as light and salt of the earth.
Only a right understanding of God will enable people worthy to be called as His sons and daughters living righteously as His witnesses.
I was totally taken aback yesterday in the Sunday service when the worship leader started the worship without committing the service in the hands of the Lord and inviting the Holy Spirit of God in that place. The worship was filled with music, people dancing and praising God without having the presence of God. Surely where God is not revered one cannot expect His presence to be there. Without inviting and honoring the Holy Spirit any worship is dead though it may have loud music or exclusive dancing. I grieved in my heart, repented with the Holy Spirit for the congregation failing to honor His presence. I could not stand in that place for long but left the place with grief and anger...
The worship leader stated ( after singing one song ) a scripture from Hebrews 4:16 and said that we need to enter the throne of God with confidence and not with fear. I agree with that statement. However, I also believe that we cannot enter the throne of grace without reverence. Our God is full of grace no wonder. But He is a God who is Holy. And without proper reverence we cannot approach the throne of grace with confidence. There is great difference between fear and reverence. Without the Holy Spirit anointing both the service and worship at the pulpit is dead. God will not be present where people do not know how to revere and honor Him.
The greatest need for today's Church I believe is to know God as He is and the significant aspect of His nature i.e. He is Holy.
Hebrews 12:28,29 (New International Version)
28. ...and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,
29. for our “God is a consuming fire"